
One Best Book is equal to Hundred Good Friends,
One Good Friend is equal to a Library."
-Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Establishment -1969

In colleges, the library occupies a prominent position and it is an important and integral part of the teaching programme. We believe that our library is not merely a depository of books, but an active workshop instrument in the production of or original thinking. This College library aims to extend opportunities for self-education to the deserving and enthusiastic students without any distinction. We are committed to develop in each student a sense of responsibility in the pursuit of knowledge. We also endeavour to stimulate the students to obtain, evaluate and recognize knowledge and to familiarize themselves with the trends of knowledge for further education and learning new disciplines. We are also committed to help teachers in keeping abreast of developments in their respective fields.

We sincerely try to act as a social institution for the conservation, communication, and extension of knowledge, and to meet the recreational informative and inspirational needs of our staff and the students. Though this is a single faculty college imparting education in science stream only, the Library collection covers a wide range of titles in varied subjects. Every year, thousands of students, teachers, researchers and staff access the library resources. Our collection caters to the needs of the junior and the senior colleges. The Library has a collection of 36174 books, 17 journals, 928 Reference books, 206 CDs, 21 newspapers, along with the DELNET and NLIST subscription. The Library is fully automated and well equipped with all E-resources. It remains open from 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all working days.

window for ebooks. Click Here!

window for ebooks. The access is live on Click Here!

Login Credentials are as follows:

Username: SSSCA2021

Password: SSSCA2021

Library Timings (Library remains closed on every 2nd& 4th Saturday)
Library Opening/Closing Time –07.30 am to 06.00 pm
Book Issue - Monday to Saturday - 10.30 amto 05.30 pm.
Reading Room - Monday to Saturday - 07.30 am. To 05.00 pm.

Special Features

  1. Fully Automated library with LIBMAN

  2. Open Access to students

  3. Reading Rooms for Students and Staff

  4. Reprographic Services

  5. Reference Services

  6. Competitive Examinations Section

  7. Newspaper Filing Services

  8. Facility to access Remote Sources

  9. DELNET and NLIST Consortia

  10. CCTV vigilance