This is an announcement for those who passed B.Sc./ B.C.A./ M.Sc. in Summer-2023 SGBAU Examination from Shri Shivaji Science College, Amravati. All the students should take a note of the following instructions -
1. The Degree Distribution Ceremony is organized on 23rd March, 2024 at 12.00 AM in Sir C. V. Raman Hall
2. Invited merit students have to attend the ceremony in WHITE DRESS only
3. Invited merit students will report at the registration desk, collect their scarf and occupy respective seat in the hall before 10.15 am
4. Once entered in the hall, no one can leave before conclusion of the programme.
5. After the ceremony all the students must return the scarfs at the registration desk.
6. All the other students will receive their degrees after compeletion of the Ceremony on the same day in the repsective rooms alloted for the BSc, BCA and MSc.
All the Absent PG Students will receive their degrees from respective departments on 23rd March, 2024 during 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM
7. These students must report as per schedule only.
8. All the students must submit their information in the following form -
» Click Here to Submit information