Co-operative Store

Students' Co-operative Store

The college runs a Co-operative Stores under the supervision of Dr. P. R. Padole, Professor, Dept. of Chemistry. Through the Co-operative Store the stationery needs of students and college office will be meet. Purchasing practical record books from the co-operative stores is compulsory. College uniform is also available with store. Store also provides Xerox facility for all. Each student should become a nominal member of the co-operative stores on payment of the prescribed fee.

Executive Committee

Name Position
Dr. G. V. Korpe, Principal Chairman
Mr. A.V. Kohale Vice President
Dr. S.K. Rithe Teacher’s Representative
Dr. P.R. Padole Secretaty
Mr. M.M. Malve Joint Secretary
Ms. Prapti Khandekar Students Representative (Girls)
Ms. Aditi Mamankar Students Representative (
Mr. Rajendra Ghodile Students Representative (Boys)
Mr. Yash Badre Students Representative (Girls)

About Students Co-operative Store (31/03/2020)

Total No. of Members - 218
Share Capital - 41,315/-
Reserve Fund - 10,478/-
Deposits - 7,81,713/-
Net Profit - 2,55,175/-

For the Financially weaker students stationary, Books and College uniform material is given free of cost after the verification process by Guardian Teachers committee.