4.1 Physical Facilities
Adequate infrastructure facilities are keys for effective and efficient conduct of the educational programmes. The growth of infrastructure thus has to keep pace with the academic developments in the institution. The other supportive facilities on the campus are developed to contribute to the effective ambience for curricular, extra- curricular and administrative activities. A provision of expenditure in the budget is made annually for maintenance and replenishment of physical facilities which will ensure their availability on a continual basis.
4.2 Library as a Learning Resource
The library holdings in terms of books, journals and other learning materials and technology-aided learning mechanisms which enable students to acquire information, knowledge and skills required for their study programmes. A recent development in the field due to availability of digital means, the functioning of the library has undergone a drastic change. Automation of library using the ILMS, use of e-journals and books, providing remote access to e-resources in the library have become a matter of necessity. Providing for these and such other developments as well as utilizing them well are important indicators of the quality of an academic institution.
4.3 IT Infrastructure
The institution adopts policies and strategies for adequate technology deployment and maintenance. The ICT facilities and other learning resources are adequately available in the institution for academic and administrative purposes. The staff and students have access to technology and information retrieval on current and relevant issues. The institution deploys and employs ICTs for a range of activities.
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
Having adequate infrastructure is not enough for effective institutional functioning, but regular maintenance and periodic replenishment of infrastructure is essential. It is necessary that the institution has sufficient resources allocated for regular upkeep of the infrastructure and there are effective mechanisms for the upkeep of the infrastructure facilities; and promote the optimum use of the same.